


We all need examples of what is possible. Remarkable is a collection of essays from mamapreneurs of all walks of life who have overcome the odds to build successful, empowering empires that are changing the world.  It is such an honor to be among these change makers. 

These incredible authors are just like you! They have overcome loss, divorce, trauma, fertility issues, abuse, and poverty, and guess what? They’re still standing! And they’re sharing their wisdom in this practical, uplifting resource that will leave readers feeling motivated, supported, and inspired. 

Learn as we share: 

  • How to navigate change and ask for help
  • How to grow a business (and raise a family) through challenging times
  • How to take bold ideas and turn them into reality
  • How to step up and play a bigger game in business . . . and in life!

Our stories inspire you to move through life’s challenges and step into your highest version of yourself.

A personal message from co-author; Fran Murray

You do not have to compromise your authenticity for the approval of others.  

You are perfectly and wonderfully made.  Every experience you have ever encountered; positive or not so positive, is equipping you with tools you need to impact your sphere of influence in a way that only you can. 

-If you need the type of encouragement and inspiration that penetrate the depths of your heart, this book is for you!  

-If you need inspiration to karate chop the block to your progression that seem so gigantuous, this book is for you! 

-If you need permission to step into the highest version of yourself, this book is for you!

 I see you.  I love you.  You belong here.  

Orders will be shipped within 2-3 days. Limited copies available!